How to Stacked RAD-140 with YK11 for Better Result

Every so often we hear of these new products to hit the marketplace and it makes you wonder if they are only the next hype or should they have the proclaimed effects which research studies show.

We've been skeptical of a few of these previously our self. We haven't used everything but we've experimented with Cardarine, Ostarine, MK-677, LGDSR9009, and as of the past 6 weeks RAD-140 stacked with YK-11.

The RAD-140 + YK-11 stack is completely insane in terms of strength and mass profits that are dry and fast!! We were sent some sample SARMS along with quality testing forms from a 3rd party lab to show the purity of the products.

Some had been dieting pretty tight and decided to give Cardarine and SR9009 a try first. They'd used Cardarine in the past with good results, but not stacked with SR9009. The results were so great along with the fatwas melt fairly quickly from this stack.

Then it was time to try something else. We decided to stack RAD140 with YK-11. We didn't read about this stack anyplace, but we did read up about the two distinct SARMs. It was our idea to pile them together and essentially just see what could happen with this pile. This is the experiences are some people...

They started with 15mg per day of RAD 140 and 10mg per day of YK-11. They took one dropper filled with each first thing in the morning together with breakfast. But there's a price to pay for everything and if the price for strength and size gains is simply a poor taste for a few seconds then they can deal with that.

They went to the gym and went through their normal workout regimen and didn't believe whatever they had been using. They were honestly hoping for the very best but expecting nothing because they are not a newcomer to supplementation of any sort. They are on TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) through their primary care doctor suggest, so they are always skeptical of whether or not products intended to boost testosterone levels actually work for them at all.

Well, allow us to just tell you that the skepticism we'd at First is completely gone after experiencing the effects of this SARMS stack!! 3 days into it the stuff was on them. They discovered that their strength has been improving despite no dietary or caloric alterations. Nevertheless, they thought that perhaps this was some type of placebo effect or fluke and was not ready to chalk this up to this SARMS heap.

After 1 week to the pile, there was absolutely NO QUESTIONING ITS EFFECTS!! Strength was moving through the roof rapidly and they were up a few lbs. They discovered no bloating in any way. They lasted on the stack...

Proven Peptides RAD-140

By the second week, they had been smashing through weights like they were not shit!! They had been doing the hammer strength row machine with 7 plates per side x 12 reps, something they'd never done before. Hell, it was tough to keep the 45's from falling off the damn thing!!

Dosing was immediately taken to 30mg/day of RAD-140 and 20mg/day of all YK-11. After they doubled the dose things got very interesting. For the very first time in a long, long time they felt like the fitness center was new to them all over again. We mean, every exercise they had been just adding weight and/or reps like a madman. They started doing crazy shit at the gym.

Recovery time became insane. Every day they felt clean and prepared to go hard again. They started thinking to themselves, "SARMS? You see, there is a certain sense that I'm acquainted with when I know something is real and it is working.” It is a sense that you get when you maintain a heavyweight in your hands and you almost want to laugh at the way that it feels when compared with how thick it used to feel.

We are talking about this feeling where you could do a few reps, allow the barbell to sit there on your chest, and hear some joke for a couple of seconds, then laugh your butt off as you blast the back up with no issues whatsoever. That's the feeling they began to get when they piled the 2 of these together.

Following the 4-week markers they were going to run outside, and they predicted up Josh from and told him, "Dude, I want more of the shit, I am not prepared to finish it. All the SARMS are great up to now, but this pile is different. My body is taking off like nobody's business right now....send me more because I am loving this shit!!"

Then we started to hear all the comments rolling in from people. 

Proven Peptides YK-11

During this time frame of utilizing these SARMs (which we are still on right now btw) we dropped some weekly testosterone dose to just 100 mg/wk, which can be half of what scripted. This is an amount that would put me in a regular range without an extra in them. So we know for true that these profits have come directly from the RAD-140 + YK-11 stack!!

From what we have read up about the RAD-140 (testolone) it's supposed to possess a more anabolic effect than testosterone itself predicated on some science we couldn't begin to explain. We don't know here, this could, in fact, be true. They did begin breaking out in acne a little bit which is something they have not experienced in many years.

From what we have researched on YK-11, it is supposed to be a SARM which can help make you more anabolic by raising testosterone and producing follistatin from muscle tissues (follistatin is a myostatin inhibitor which enables your body to grow beyond it is natural genetic limitations through compound recomp within the body).

We are not a doctor or a scientist here, but here we are tried to explain what works. This stack is killing it!! Shit, they may run out it 12 weeks instead of just 8 weeks. 

“Here we suggest that before taking any type of SARMs, you must have to consult a doctor.”


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